
Then a wish it did land



6 Years
12-05-2013, 11:13 AM

Once she'd made the decision to stay, it was much easier for Satu to enjoy this adventure. Sure, it was a bit cold, and a little uncomfortable sometimes being on her own. But answering to no one but herself, being able to go where ever her wandering feet took her, following whatever whimsical notion struck her... it was paradise. There was still that little bit of guilt for not returning home... ok, a lot of guilt, actually... but wasn't it, in the long run, healthier for her mother to not be so dependent on her children?

Besides, Satu had really, really missed her sister and her cousins. Life just hadn't been the same without them, and even though she'd only seen Cirala in the short time she'd been here, just knowing that the rest were somewhere near was comforting. The excitement of adventure with all the comforting familiarity of family. She wondered how Anthem was, so far from his home pack. Surely he wasn't all alone - family stuck together, right? But maybe it would be a good idea to seek him out and check up on him, just in case. And Howl was somewhere around here. She really, really wanted to see how he'd been since he left, but she wasn't entirely sure about her welcome so she hadn't been looking for him. And then there was...

Satu, who had been making her way through the place she'd learned was called Serpent's Plain - a place she'd never been before, which was exciting - stopped suddenly in astonishment as she caught sight of a familiar form. Was that... "Novella?" she asked aloud incredulously. What were the odds of that? Just as she was thinking about her family... it seemed to happen more often than not lately!

She'd always been fond of Novella. Well, not always... certainly not when Novella was an exuberant pup and Satu had been expected to watch over her... but certainly as she'd grown up Satu had enjoyed her company, empathizing with her adventurous personality and envying her carefree attitude. Of all of her family she'd have most wanted to see right now, Novella would be very high on the list.

Her tail wagged in happy greeting. "I wasn't expecting to find you here!"
