
A Dancer in the Shadows (Joining)


12-05-2013, 06:53 PM

The woman seemed willing to accept her, and appeared to be willing to give the golden damsel a try at pack life. The russet and ivory woman introduced herself as Chrysanthe. What a beautiful name, derived from the beautiful flower most likely. Pleasantries were made, and soon a few questions met the giantess' light brown audits. Haunches would meet the terra smoothly, abnormally long tail wrapping around her paws calmly. "Well, all I can admit to being good at is my only trade. I'm a dancer." She told the Queen with a soft, sheepish grin. "I'm willing to learn another trade, though I could be well used as a messenger. I'm a good runner, as far as runners go." She added, hoping she seemed worthy of joining the pack. Yet another inquiry was posed upon the she wolf, and her answer was quick to fall from her ebony lips. "Of course I will, I'm not the kind of girl to just laze about, I have too much energy." She giggled, grinning. She had always been a hard worker, despite her not being very social, and having never been in a pack before. She had never seen their appeal; being socially awkward, shy, and relatively unadjusted to physical contact with others. Yes, she was quite the recluse, but Chrysanthe didn't need to know this, the she wolf saw her current mannerisms as a phase she would grow out of, hopefully.

and this is how you hold a conversation