
Bloody Brilliant


12-05-2013, 07:04 PM

The fire furred she knight could see the dismay on her companions face as she heard her previous statement, and shook her head in a manner that conveyed that the fact did not matter to her, it was the past. While the past could hurt, one could learn from it. And that she had, she had made it her duty to avoid those of dark hearts, and strived to do good. When Aranya asked if she had found happiness here, the giantess paused for a moment to mull over the inquiry. In truth, she didn't know if she had, life was simply about living, emotions played very little part in the course of it. "I guess you could say so, there's nothing I have found yet to really base my opinions off of." She replied with a shrug of her petite shoulders, her answer speaking of her mentality on the question. She took another serpent in her dainty, obsidian stained jaws, and easily devoured the scaled beast. Looking to her newfound friend, she pushed a smaller one forward. "Would you like to try snake? It's quite good." She murmured, smiling. She was being polite, though honestly snake was quite delicious, in her opinion. Her only encounters with meat from large game had been chance findings of carcasses, just before the scavengers arrived to strip the flesh from the beast.
