
Bloody Brilliant


12-05-2013, 08:51 PM

Aranya nodded slowly as Araceli explained her feelings, as she herself felt much the same. Who could really know happiness until they were unhappy? Aranya supposed that because she did not know, things could be much worse. Hells, she could be dead! But instead she was breathing good air, laying under a hot sun, in good company. Oh yes, things could be much worse. Eventually Araceli smiled and proffered her one of the scaled, deceased creatures. Aranya had her misgivings, of course. It didn't smell like meat she was used to. It was hardly more than a mouthful, after all! She looked warily at Araceli and raised a brow. "Is it... really, that good?" Araceli had seemed rather boisterous before.

Aranya leaned forward and gave the meat a cautious sniff. It did not smell like good, fresh deer blood. It was more pungent, and had only traces of earth smell. Aranya supposed it was because snakes eat meat, like wolves, not plants and barks like deer. She had once come across a dead bobcat being torn apart by a mob of ravens, and it had smelled somewhat similar. Was it right to eat another meat-eater? Were they kindred in any way? But it would certainly be a cultural experience and who knows, maybe she would enjoy the taste! It would be all the more reason to stay in this region. She could not remember seeing a snake up north since arriving in Alacritis. It was worth a shot.

Aranya reached forward an poked an exposed bit of flesh with the tip of her tongue. It had a... strong taste, saltier than the meat she was used to. More flavorful in a way, but it could have been called too strong of a taste. It was unfamiliar and would take some getting used to. Only one way to do that! she thought with a certain sort of determination. With a quick lunge, before she could change her mind, she snapped forwards, clamping the snake between her jaws, snapping, snapping, snapping until it was all gone. The burst of flavors filled her mouth, dizzying for a moment, but then the small bit of meat was all gone. She sat there for a moment with a perplexed look on her face, not entirely sure what to make of it. Finally, "...Well. That was... New?" She licked her lips and chuckled.
