
morning sickness


12-05-2013, 09:03 PM

She had fidgeted all night long, and most of the morning before finally growing sick of it all and rising to slither from the confines of her den. She'd never felt so miserable in her life, though some small part of her was glad for it - for she was almost sure what the pathogen was: morning sickness. Nostrils wrinkled and narrowed as she neared the area behind her den where she'd gotten sick in the wee hours of the morning. Had her stomach been more certain she would have buried it at once - but that was a task for after her innards had settled. She turned away from it, moving toward a stream where she could gather a drink and perhaps calm her churning insides. From movement alone she felt weak and disoriented, but the warrior would choose not to let that stop her. A chuff rang out, beckoning forth her kin, or at least perhaps a friend. It would be a pity for anyone to see the Queen in such a state, but perhaps it would be wise to have someone - anyone - look after her until she was more steady upon her paws. Feeling this was a good idea, the Queen rocked to her haunches and waited, hoping someone - preferably Isardis - would come and ease her mind. Tail spread out behind her for balance, for even while sitting she felt as if the world was slowly spinning.
