



11 Years

The Ooze Participant
12-06-2013, 01:04 AM

Snow swirled around her, tossing her fur hither and thither, buffeting her ears, so that when her name as called, it was a very long way off? Or was that the turmoil inside her own heart? The wind lessened slightly, though the howling only increased, whistling through fur. Her eyes opened, squinting against the wind, snowflakes blasting against her face and fur. A familiar scent brushed against her nose, as a black leg passed before her face. ?Deteste?? What on earth was the male doing here in a storm? When had the storm arrived? When? ?We lost?? The words, so simple, were enough, once spoken, to rip away the last layer of control. The rage slipped free of the leash.

And yet, the only sign of that rage was something only an instinct of certain wolves would sense. Perhaps as a chilling sensation, or something completely frightening? With those in her family, it was a sense of a cold deeper than ice, so cold it burned. The males were sensitive to these moods, in Redwood and in her close family. When she spoke, thus, there was hardly a change to her voice, other than a flat, desolate chill. Perhaps he would sense that change, that step over the edge, perhaps he would not. Certainly, he would see the eerie still quality that came into her eyes, an almost glazed look, yet more alert somehow. By all accounts, she was not insane. She was as stable as any wolf, perhaps even more stable. But there is no rage worse than a female from Redwood, particularly one conditioned to lead.

To harm the family and pack of such a female was to unleash that fury. Her main problem, was that she could not act on this fury, the instinct to defend and protect. So it was bottled down.
?They came, and tore into us when we only wanted peace. My family, torn apart. My sister torn to pieces by a killer just days later. My brother? Imprisoned? An innocent killed. One of our own raped, and carrying that? monster?s whelps. All? For that male?s wounded pride. The Blood Debt will be paid in full.? Was it just the Valhallan battle she was talking about? Or was it more than that? Was it her past, melding with the present?

Wind whipped wildly around them, the eerie whistle of it hissing against her ears, nipping at the tips with biting cold. After her outburst, and the release of some of her anger, the look in her eyes calmed slightly, the glazed look warming, but only just.

Walk ---- "Speak" ---- "Hear" ---- Think