
the forest holds many wonders



8 Years
12-06-2013, 07:25 AM (This post was last modified: 12-06-2013, 07:26 AM by Oracle.)

Oracle sniffed the air a frown affixed to her features she was six months old and whilst she had grown to almost the size of a small adult she had much more growing to do. She was out on the borders though they could hardly be called such any more abandoned as they where, she had given Galahad the slip about a mile back and her paws followed the now over grown path that marked the border around the beach a semi circle that reached from the point in the north to the outlet in the south with the cliff dens at its heart. She had come out here again to search for clues to try and find her sister and her parents, she knew it was a risk had heard plenty of stories of death and injury caused to wandering pups but she had to come out here she had to try and find them but three or more months on from their disappearances she wasn't sure what she was really looking for any more.

As it stood this trip had been as fruitless as the rest no tracks no scents not even a path though what had she expected the rain would almost certainly have washed it all away by now. ?where are they,? she asked the air in frustration, but the trees which grew sparsely around her interspersed by low brush and grass gave no answer. She gave a sigh about to give up and head home maybe one of the adults would teach her more about hunting or fighting she had been bugging them to for the last three days, they always seemed to be to busy,but, maybe today would be the day. Oracle was just turning away about to find the path back to the dens when a rustle caught her attention, her ears pricked and she took a tentative step towards the source, ?Ode,?she questioned, ?Is that you??
