
The Netonya Family


12-06-2013, 10:59 AM
Name: Maela
Gender: Female
Place in the Family: Half-Sister
Appearance: Here :3
Alignment: lawful neutral
Personality: Though she is lawfully good, she does have a superiority complex when it comes to others around her, her different patterns upon her fur also makes her think that solid colored wolves are boring and should be avoided at all costs even if she doesn't voice this opinion out loud. Maela though enjoys appearing to be the wise one in the group, and having her opinion valued above others.
Brief History: She is the half sister through her father, after the small pack split up her father found another mate and she was the product of that litter. Sadly because of the area they where staying in, there wasn't much nutrients in the area, the rest of her litter mates died where she survived. Once she came of age, she left her father and his mate and set out on her own for a land much more decent than the one she was currently staying in, and she picked up a scent that was familiar but also strange to her, and she followed it all the way to Alacritis.
RP Sample: (200 Word Min.)

Pose, grace, beauty, and all those that where below her. She flowed over the snow, her legs stretching out as her paws flirted with the snow covered ground. Her tawny back collected the snow like a mailbox and its letters, the fading against her legs, the white patches against her fur, the dots along her face, and the light brown and white that ringed her neck...she was it, she was perfection built into one singular wolf. Nothing and no one could compare to her.

The she-wolf threw her head back, lashes fluttering off the snow as cut through the dense forest and the winter wonderland that was this world for now. The lake was close, she could see it on the horizon, so her gait picked up to a quick trot. Head high, tail flagged proudly behind her, muscles shimmering under her coat as she drew to the edge and stared down in her reflection.

Yes she was nobility, an Alpha in the making, too young still that was for sure, but when she was older, she would make sure that every wolf bowed to her. Was it hard to ask them for? For them to submit to their betters. They weren't worth much anyways, her paws trailed in the snow in a tiny circle. Even the drawings she made in the snow where perfect. This world was about her, this world revolved around her, but they would never know she didn't see them as wolves. She saw them as lowly servants, she would bark an order and they would scurry to obey.

Obey. Obey. Obey. That's all they where good for. But for now she had someone she needed to find, someone that smelled like her but she didn't recognize. Would this one that was her but not her obey? We would have to go and see. Light laughter chilled the air as she threw back her head, her mouth opening as she allowed her melodies to dance along the sky. I'm coming for you.

Brief Plans: Hm not sure yet, probably have her stalk her bit sister around.