
Bloody Brilliant


12-06-2013, 01:03 PM

A question met her large auds, and once more the giantess shrugged. She was an adventurous soul, a knight in a woman's body, Robin Hood's soul looking out from the violet eyes of a fox on stilts. "Once winter is over, I will roam these lands until fall, and then return here. I am not meant to live in cold weather." Was all she said, knowing full well that she would enjoy all of the travelling. She never knew where she was going, she simply went off and let her ebony feet take her where they wished. She was getting bored of the same places over and over, but she never got tired of the wolves. So unique, every one different, none the same in body or mind. What other interesting creatures lived here? She would no doubt investigate, and she would enjoy meeting every native of these lands. Then she redirected the inquiry at her companion, tilting her tiara to the side and smiling slightly. "What about you? Where shall you go?" She asked, quite curious to discover her newfound friend's plans for the future.

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