
Bloody Brilliant


12-06-2013, 02:14 PM

Somehow, Aranya couldn't picture Araceli roaming the rugged, mountainous terrain she was so used to calling home. She pictured her in dense jungles, on beaches, and arid plains. She mulled over it for a moment, trying to place the large foxish fae at the mouth of her birth den, even in summer. She couldn't do it. "Well," she said finally. "Wherever you go, I wish you well." How odd to think that their meeting had been pure chance. Some whim of the gods had brought them together, and whether it meant aught or not she could not foresee. Not yet at any rate, and possibly she never would. This brief whisper of time would soon be washed away by infinite others, and to all but themselves, this moment will have never existed. Even as their memories would fade, so too would this chance arrangement.

Aranya broke herself from her revelry and smiled. "I too will go north. I've found many beautiful places among the peaks, and I would like to settle eventually. Either this coming year or the next." The horizon beckoned, even now. She tilted her head and laughed, saying, "If I come across your trail this summer I will have to track you down. I'll warn you now, I'll be after more tales of your adventures." She caught sight of a small flock of songbirds as they flew overhead. She listened to their songs and thought to herself, Cerulean warblers... Perhaps spring is not so far off after all.
