
Invisible Box



12-06-2013, 02:31 PM

A bloodcurdling snarl would erupt from the mans core as his fangs clashed with the queens, the sound from the collision sending shivers down his spine. Surprisingly no teeth were broken, which left him in the game. If any were to have broken he would have submitted, but they hadn't, so he wouldn't quit. He needed to get out of here, despite the now throbbing and banged up mouth he had. It would certainly bruise and swell after the fight, but with the adrenaline and determination coursing through his body he would endure the pain for now.

Of course his defenses stayed up, his stubbed tail aligned with his spine, ears tucked, lips curled, hackles raised, shoulders rolled forward, neck scrunched, chin tucked, eyes narrowed, weight evenly distributed, knees slightly bent, legs spread yet held close enough to his body for protection, abdomen tense, toes splayed, and claws gripping the earth. He would plant himself into the ground, wanting to become a wall that she could not easily push back as she did before when she first charged at him.

As he gripped the earth the ice queen would push into his already injured shoulder, and with the injury already causing pain he again would be pushed back a couple of steps. A growl would raise from his throat as he gripped the earth, but with the slushy snow beneath them it was hard to get a solid grip. There was no dodging her shove, or her sudden snapping of teeth. With her at such a close proximity he couldn't reflect her bite. Teeth would puncture about a half in deep into the right side of the mans neck just below his bottom jaw, here, but with his chin tucked she would have no access to his throat or jugular.

As her jaws closed around his fur and thin layer of skin, he would act simultaneously with her movement. With jaws already parted, and his head slightly tilted he would attempt to clamp his jaws around her fleshy cheek and or bridge of her muzzle. (andy confirmed that those areas would be next to his face as she bit him) If he were to succeed, he would grasp whatever had had managed to grasp and would keep his grip as she pulled away from her score on his neck. He was hoping that by ripping her own head back that he would be able to pull flesh from he face without having to recoil. (He did not know she would pull back, but he hoped she would so his attack would work) He would not have time to reminisce on whither his attack worked or not, because she was already jerking away, and with her went a mouth full of plush fur and a thin layer of flesh. As her head recoiled he would again attempt to slam his paw down on the same one as before, wanting to worsen the injury and add pain before she had a chance to come at him again. He hoped she would be preoccupied for a few seconds trying to get the fur out of her mouth so that he could strike her paw again.

Attacks: As sedona grabs the side of his neck, he is attempting to simultaneously grasp her cheek and or the bridge of her muzzle so that when she pulls away she would pull her own flesh from her face without him having to recoil | Attempting to slam his paw onto the same one as before to break more toes and cause more pain as she is recoiling from her bite with his fur in her mouth (he hopes she will be preoccupied getting it out of her mouth just long enough for him to slam his paw on hers again)
Defenses: All in second para!
Injuries: Worsened bruise on same shoulder, throbbing/aching/bruised jaw/teeth, half in deep bite wound to this area.


OOC: All done, yay! And I wanna add for the judges sake regarding to the first round, he would not sit there and allow her to start snapping her jaws at him, or allow her teeth to be out of his view, therefore he was countering her jaws with his own before she could attack him severely ^.^ (he is a defensive fighter)Good luck andy, thanks for the fight!