
Bloody Brilliant


12-06-2013, 03:04 PM

The pale lupine wished her well on her future adventures, and a smile broke over the fox like woman's face. A murmured thanks was all she replied with, while her large audits captured more speech from the damsel. Aranya expressed her plans to venture north in search of the sky, and a home there. Araceli would wag her little tail and continue to grin. "Enjoy the mountains, for I never shall. Where it is cold is not my place, I belong in the heat." She replied, her voice weaving calmly through the air between them to meet the auds of her companion. Once more would her attention be captured by the she wolf's voice, as she bade her warnings of the approaching summer. A giggle would bubble up from the giantess' chest, and escape her dark lips to envelope the pair in joy. "I will live in constant fear of that day." She replied, her voice sarcastic but warm and kind. She enjoyed the company of her newfound friend, and hoped they would meet many times in the future.

Long legs would lift the unusual creature to her tea cupped ebony paws, dark violet gaze lowering to rest upon the features of the woman, memorizing them for future reference. "Let us go now to have many more adventures. Until we meet again, I bid you farewell." She murmured, smiling broadly. Turning on her heels, she made her way out into the tall grasses of the plains, delicate cranium high above the reedy stalks. Her fiery pelt could not be missed, yet she still managed to blend in and soon became invisible. A she knight in shining armour, of to find others in need, and friends ready to be made. Overhead, the songbirds sang of the coming season change, even though there was still a while yet.

.:Exit--Araceli Iris:.
