
Taking on a New Land


12-06-2013, 03:07 PM
The meal was a filling one, and Isabella was more than happy to feast on deer. It was not every day she had the rich meal, it was hard for her to take down a large animal by herself. She ate enough to keep her fit and full for a few days. Once there was nothing left she quickly got to cleaning her fur. Her legs and chest were a bit bloody and were taken are of by licking. Her maw was another matter, that was taken care of with the aid of the grass. Clean, happy and no longer smelling of blood she looked to Dawn and nodded.

"Yes, it is not every day I get to eat something that large. A nice change and so welcome on this day. Perhaps the Gods and Goddess are smiling upon us." A small smile was with her as she noticed Dawn's eyes. Looking up she saw the stars were emerging. From behind her she felt a wind cold enough to chill bone. Confused she tilted her head before realizing how, in her own mind, foolish she looked and stood normally again. "That cold. Does it come from a place that was so hot in the heat of the sun?"