
Knocking at your Gates [p]


03-17-2013, 08:49 PM

He wondered vaguely if she meant this path to be a reminder of just where her borders were, or if perhaps she felt it the most important route for them to take. Either way it didn't bother the King much. It was an understood thing to be aware of another's borders, and Jupiter's were no exception. He noted the scents as they came and went. She had certainly been a busy new Alpha. Gerhardt remembered those days, they were not so long ago. It was still quite often he religiously paced around his land and marked the borders. Two of the borders were completely blocked by water, and another was partially blocked, but these were still heavily marked in case an adventuresome wolf swam the distance. The King would give trespassers no excuse for being in his land unknowingly.

There had only one that had come upon his land, and that had ended surprisingly well, with the Kingdom taking in a second Knight. Sir Segar had been noble enough, even if he had made a wretched mistake in trespassing. Gerhardt had been rather pleased when all of that was said and done. However, his recollection ended as soon as Jupiter began to speak again, answering his question about why she had chosen this particular area. So this place itself was the place of her birth, not just Alacritia in general. Gerhardt had to admit there was a sentimental feeling behind one's birthplace. Gerhardt remembered his rather fondly despite the fall of his home pack. Who could rule this land better than someone born here? He wondered again how she felt about him coming into Alacritia and taking a piece of land for himself. He had been a mere vagabond, why was she befriending him and hating the one who had tried to take this place? He supposed it was because he had not been arrogant about it, and because he had not tried to take the very place of her birth, but instead found an uninhabited land in the south.

Wet, he remarked with a slight chuckle. We're bordered on one end by the southern ocean, and centered upon a vast delta that branches up from that ocean. The water purifies as you travel north from salt to brackish to fresh. The fishing is excellent and the foliage is always as green as can be. It's quite comfortable, really. There weren't many downsides of his home, though he suspected that flooding would be a problem at some point. Other than that and the obvious flatness of it all, Gerhardt was very pleased with his Kingdom. I don't suppose you know where i'm talking about? There was a chance if she was born here, she might know the land he'd claimed. She might even have been there before. His ear flicked idly to the sound of the river, suddenly craving a drink from its depths.
