
Taking on a New Land


12-06-2013, 03:28 PM
Music Plays Everywhere I Go...

But I dance to the beat of my own drum baby

The resting dame heard the voice of her companion comment on her earlier statement, purely an agreement to what she had said, touching slightly on religion held within the heart of the fox like she wolf. The golden dancer responded, acknowledging the woman's comment with a small nod and a smile. Her gaze was riveted upon the stars, their pale, shining beauty. An inquiry met her tall light brown audits, and the giantess mulled over a logical response. "I guess so, now that night is cooling down the dirt, the heat is moving deeper into the sand." She replied, unaware of the lack of sense made in her words. She always had a manner of speaking about things like that which sometimes other's did not understand completely. It was simply because her brain worked a little differently, she wasn't mentally disabled, she simply had a different view of the world. Her muscles were beginning to cease their aching, her strength returning after consuming the lovely meal. Standing once more, she cast a last look at the beautiful stars, and approached her companion. "Shall we get to our lesson?" She asked, not meaning offence in her wording, simply stating the time to follow as what it would be, her teaching the smaller woman the ways to survive and live in the desert. She waited calmly, patiently, for a reply.


Will you dance with me tonight?DAWN