
It's a dangerous world we live in


03-17-2013, 08:50 PM
Green eyes peered out through the dense brush, searching for something. The little pup was still young, experiencing her first spring after her chilly winter birth. She was still small, scampering around everywhere she went. But she wasn't allowed to stray far from the den, mother tended to get a little upset. Her brothers where around, Rune probably hanging back like he always did, waiting for herself and Vixe to try something out before doing it himself.

Today was no different, mother was sleeping, father was off somewhere. And she had quickly slipped away, trying to be as quiet as possible. Little protest came from her brothers, and it was easily ignored, for they had followed her out, but had now left her alone. Tiny ears twitched on top of her ebony skull. Her pelt was slowly lightening to a dark gray. Her ringed tail twitched above her, while eyes masked in white searched for her brothers. They couldn't have gotten to far.

But the little wolf had yet to realize that she had gotten a little to far from the den, out of her mothers ear shot. She continued her playing, a butterfly catching her attention until her brothers appeared. She wasn't allowed to meet any of the wolves of the pack, and she always questioned why, but never got a real answer. What could possible be so bad about Tortuga? The youngster was still naive, thinking the world was her playground, that danger was only a nightmare.