
Come Wake Me Up


12-06-2013, 09:25 PM
Oh how late she was - but luckily, she had arrived just in time to hear Taurig's words. She had taken a seat near the family that she was growing comfortable with. Viri and Zara had been there when she made the trip to Valhalla with Tortuga's healers, and they were sisters that she felt were strong - and felt quite dainty besides. Regardless, they were family, and she would stay with them here, not to mention Taurig was so far, an exceptional leader. Even through darkness, the pitch black of blindness, he would lead with strength and kindness. The healer's heart went out to him, she was glad that he was able to stand strong beside his queen and growing family. A gentle smile graced her features, and she would give a small yip in congratulations to the new official family when Maija accepted. She looked so happy, and spoke like the type of leader that Io had yet to experience, but was comfortable serving beneath.

The words of someone that wasn't family would grace her ears, and she would stare at the white faced girl, her pink eyes stealing at the sight and smell of a Glaciem wolf. Hidden and mixed with the scents of Tortuga, she would bristle - looking to the woman, and then to Maija. Perhaps Taurig did not know that she was here? She didn't like her being so close to the new expectant mother, but she doubted she would be ignorant enough to attack the new queen in a pack gathering. And so Io would remain seated, her tail curled around her paws and her eyes glued to the intruding woman and the ruling couple.