
Come Wake Me Up



5 Years
Extra large
12-06-2013, 10:48 PM

He had been hoping to take Maija by surprise with the proposal, and from the way that she was reacting, it seemed that he had accomplished his goal; from what he could hear anyway. As he waited to hear her response, massive body crouched before the golden beauty he would feel her muzzle dip beneath his chin and she would push it upwards, signaling to the Re that she wanted him to stand. Taurig would comply easily enough, limbs extending as he lifted himself back up to his full height, haunches folding as he seated himself, tattered ears expectant as he waited with baited breath for her answer. In truth it had probably only been a few moments that he'd been waiting, but it felt like an eternity when he finally heard her voice. Yes, Taurig Artenie, I shall indeed become your wife! A grin, the biggest to ever show itself across his features would split his ebony lips, dark plume wagging furiously behind him as a joy unparalleled spread through his massive body. She'd said yes. Maija was going to be his wife. His wife!

In those precious moments, his blindness and lack of ability to procreate and the threat of Glaciem were all forgotten. The only thing that mattered was that he was going to be able to spend the rest of his life with Maija. Thick and thin, come who ever may, Maija would always be by his side. She would always be his beacon of light in the darkness, the one to love him until the day he died and he couldn't be more grateful that he had picked such a perfect woman. He would chuckle quietly as his wife-to-be's tongue would lash across his cheeks, running over his still scarring flesh several times before he felt her pull back, her skull pressing against his shoulder. The Re would pivot his head to the right, jaws parting as he allowed his salmon ribbon to press against her crown in a gentle kiss, unafraid to show affection to his queen before his people. He wanted them to know how he felt about Maija, after all he had chosen to include his pack in this special moment.

Taurig would listen as his Queen would address the pack, a proud smile dawning across his features. He had made the right decision to make her his Queen and it clear that the rest of the pack thought so to. He would wait until she had finished before allowing himself to stand up once more, turning to lick her cheek before he would commence speaking. Thank you all for you congratulations, I am honored to have been able to share such a special moment with my people and family. But as great as this news is, we must get back to the important things. I have been talking to Maija and in light of these recent events with Isardis, we don't feel that Tortuga is safe any longer in current area we reside in. The threat of Glaciem is ever present and there is also the uncertainty of whether they have allied with others and with my children on the way, I don't feel like this place suits us any longer. Perhaps some of you may feel different, but I think a move is in order. It is time for us to find elsewhere to call our home, somewhere where we can have peace of mind and not have to worry about being so easily attacked. With this in mind, your Queen and I located some islands off the coast of Alacritis, one in particular called Inu island, that I believe would be perfect for Tortuga to migrate too. I plan on moving the pack there starting tomorrow if you all are willing. I know it's a big change, both with me becoming blind and now wanting to move the pack. Any of you that don't agree or don't feel like I can continue to be an adequate leader are welcome to find a home elsewhere, there will be no hard feelings. I will be sad to let anyone go, but I won't force you to stay somewhere you don't want to be. For those that agree, I would suggest you begin readying yourselves tonight and gathering any pack members that weren't here today to inform them of the move. If there are no further concerns, you are all welcome to go your separate ways. We will gather here tomorrow once more to commence the migration.

A breath would be taken after having spoke so much, tattered ears standing to attention as he waited to see if there would be any objections. He would hope that his pack would agree with the decision to move; he was doing it for them just as much for his unborn children. He could only hope that they understood that.
