
Cheers To the End


12-06-2013, 10:51 PM

Aros was at home among all things uncomfortable. In fact, his trial had taken place in a storm much like this one. It seemed a strange, circuitous twist of fate that he should be in the very same situation on it's anniversary. A year ago today, as best as he could figure, he had been sent away from home during a monstrous storm. His father's words still rang in his ears. Bring back a mate worthy of our bloodline or don't come back at all! Aros scoffed into the breeze, bracing his broad shoulders against the howling winds. He had been born and bred and trained for just such days as these, and to force his way through them gave him a fierce, certain pride. He had yet to meet a match for his endurance.

So lost was he in his thoughts that he did not notice the young fae before him. He nearly stumbled over top of her, before he noticed the vague bump protruding from the snow. Her coat was a white to match, making it all the more difficult. He grimace, noting her diminutive stature before anything else. "You there!" he called out. "Have you no sense, laying about in the middle of a path? If you've come here to die, do it in a more convenient location." He did not break his stride as he grumbled, but his voice became guff as he had to alter his path to walk around her. The nerve of some people, he thought, passing the snow laden fae without a second glance.

"Speech," Thoughts,