
Cheers To the End


12-06-2013, 11:38 PM

Chill was keeping her composure as she made her way closer to him, her tail swaying behind herself as she allowed the smile to touch her eyes. This though was sadistic, she felt the need to play with this male, take him, and to break him, he would be her project for the day, and this should be fun. She watched the way his ears flicked back. Emotions make you weak, and the inability to control them even weaker. Her mothers voice echoed in her head as she nodded, her vocal cords moved as she hummed, purposely closing her eyes and ignoring him.

Poke the male, make him angry, it would take the purpose and sharpness out of his attacks and give her more room to do what she wished. He was big, and she enjoyed that, she would love making a fool of him, allowing him to berserk at her, making his attacks sloppy while she used her nimbler frame to dodge and dance around him.

Her humming got louder and then trailed off. "Are you done speaking now slave? Crawl over the ground and grovel for me, roll on your back so I can stand over you." She kept lashing venomous words at him, closing the distance between her and him, but something in the distance caught her attention as she turn and trotted toward a small outcrop in the rocks. Pink. Berries. The shaking berries she also saw in the west, they where here too?

Perfect. She opened mouth and collected a few and then rubbed her nose against her chest, and then rubbed her chest against the outcrop, making it appear as she didn't care anything for him and thought itching herself was more important.
