
I'm Comin' Back Home / p


03-17-2013, 10:38 PM

He knew that lying to her was not the best tactic, but he'd promised Epiphron he wouldn't tell anyone of their adventure, especially not his mother. He watched her lips tighten against her fangs and immediately his ears flicked back over his skull. He crouched down slightly, making himself lower than her, and tucked his tail instinctively. It wasn't like him to be submissive, but he had to quell her anger or she'd wake the whole pack. The anger came. She called him a liar. The word bit into his flesh harder than the rocks he'd fallen onto had. Maverick stifled a growl, unwilling to turn this into a squabble. He was not quite as large as she yet, as he was only three fourths grown. Not to mention she was far more skilled in battle than he was. "I-" She snorted and he knew she'd caught Epiphron's scent. Maverick shifted away from her slightly, but he knew the damage was already done. This was it, he was about to be turned into a throw-rug. He was certain of it. Icy daggers were sent his way as he turned his acid green eyes from her, unable to look her in the face while she yelled. His own hushed tones entered, hoping to quiet her enough to keep this an argument between themselves. Mother I - it was just like I said. I was out exploring. I did run into a Valhallan and we just talked, that was it. He knew that wouldn't be the end of it, knew she'd have more questions, and probably more yelling to do. Trying to take a step away from her, he winced as he did for a pain shot through his side like the one before. Ears and tail remained tucked, but there was a slight look of defiance in those green eyes.
