
I Will Keep You Going



2 Years
12-07-2013, 12:29 AM

The yearling had no idea what was going on. She had spent her time within the pack hiding in her den or wondering about with no path. Her bright green orbs were dull, her fur, though thick now, hung limp and dusty like on her thin frame. Sure she had eaten abit more since she had been here but she was always alone, thus it was just rabbits and such to fill her. Her lack of social skills had kept her isolated but it was more due to her depression. It seemed to be like a physical weight placed upon her back. Body would move low to the ground, ears pinned back and tail dragging along. Sure she was thankful for meeting Epiphron, Aeil, Dragon and those two pups. But it was not nearly enough to fill the void in her heart.

A call rang out and she would pull her body from the winter frozen earth. Slowly one paw after another moved her body towards the call. She knew it was for the pack, that much she understood and nothing more. By the time she had gotten there a good amount of others were there talking. She sulked in the background, trying to blend in. It wasn't too hard by just remaining silent. When everyone would leave, she'd ask that silver female in the center what was going on. But for now she settled down on her belly, flattening to the ground with eyes and ears fixed on the group. It seemed the silver one was the new leader. Did that mean Epiphron wasn't Queen anymore? Would she be abe to stay here or would this silver female chase her out since she had not been the one to accept her into the pack? She curled up, unsure what would happen. Sometimes she wished she could go back in time to be with her mother and brother.

Here in this pack Rohini felt like she had no one. And she didn't, she just had the honor of saying she was a Seracian wolf but that was it. She had no training, knew nothing about pack life, nor socialized. She was the outcast of the pack, an omega in the sense of all things. Sometimes she didn't mind it, having endless time to herself to think and do whatever, other times it was for too lonely.

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