



5 Years
Extra large
12-07-2013, 01:51 AM

His people had gathered, from every corner of his kingdom Tortugans had come to gather around their Re and follow his lead. He really was grateful to each and every one of them that they stood beside him, despite everything that he had gone through. He was probably not the alpha that they had all envisioned to be following one day, but he was trying his best to be the leader that they needed. Their needs would always come before his; no matter what. They depended on him to lead them, to guide them, to keep them safe and he would be damned if he failed them in any aspect. It would be over his dead body that he would not come through for his people. He was just that dedicated to them, that willing to sacrifice himself for their benefit; because he truly cared.

The travel to the island hadn't been too hard on the pack. Winter had set in and there was much snow covering the majority of Alacritis, but with the number of wolves inhabiting the region, both rogue and pack, there were many well worn trails that they were able to follow to make their way to the islands. They had all helped each other, stopping at various points to replenish their energy with food and water. By mid afternoon the entirety that was Tortuga had finally made it to the edges of Alacritis, the formations of islands distant figures. One island in particular, Inu island, would become the new home to his pack. It was there that he would hope to bring peace to his people, so that they could live without fear and the need to be on guard at all times. This would be their paradise.

Ebony toes would brush against the shoreline of Alacritis, blind eyes settled in the direction he believed the islands to be. He could feel Maija brush up against him, her slowly swelling belly bumping his own abdomen, bringing a wry smile to his lips. Lead the way my treasure. He would give her a kiss across the neck, waiting for her returned affection before he would feel her walk in front of him, plume brushing against his chin. Come everyone, into the water to your new home. He would call out to the rest of the pack, trying to keep the motivated. They were nearly there. The titan would gently take his wife-to-be's tail in his jaws, careful not to clamp down hard on it as he followed her into the water, using her as his guide to cross. Powerful limbs would strike out in the frigid waters, flesh trembling at the extreme change in temperature. It was damn cold, but that wouldn't deter the titan from reaching his goal.

It felt like it had been hours, but probably only an hour had passed since they'd left the mainland when new scents began reaching his nostrils. Plants. Animals. They had reached the island. He would continue to paddle behind Maija until his toes brushed against firmer ground, jaws releasing his Queen's tail as he pulled himself onto the shower, sloshing his way out of the water until he was on dry sand, taking a moment to thoroughly shake himself before moving to stand beside Maija, awaiting the rest of the pack to come on shore.
