
finnvi legend yo

Loki 1


6 Years
01-31-2014, 05:46 PM (This post was last modified: 02-01-2014, 07:42 AM by Loki 1.)
Katja Anke
2 years old
cousin (Anvarr's daughter)

Katja is thinly built, wiry and strong with hardly any fat to soften her sharp edges. Her face is angular, with sharp cheekbones and slightly slanted eyes, her muzzle is long and slim. Her rangy body is clothed in long, silky fur that for the most part hides the scars of her warrior trade. Her primary hue is a dark grey over much of her body, with silvery ticking touching the very tips of each guardhair, giving the impression of a rippling field of stars. A jet-colored mask, free of the silvery ticking of the rest of her body, covers the top of her face, from her nose to just under her ears and leaving her bottom jaw bare, a deaths-head mask suitable for the marauder she was. The same dark jet streaks around her tail in jagged half-rings of color and stains the tip. Each paw is dipped in the same dark color, fading to the usual dark gray around the level of her hocks. Her slanted eyes are the silvery hue of mercury, the faint gold flecks scattered though her irises the only hint color to grace this gray-scale wolf.
Warrior, marauder, and mercenary, Katja is ruthless in the pursuit of what she wants. She is completely and wholeheartedly dedicated to her religion above everything except family - how could religion be above family, when the gods themselves were kin? Her family and the gods are the most important things to her. She has dedicated herself to Freya's warrior aspect, swearing herself to celibacy in the belief that she was called upon to sacrifice her fertility to the goddess in return for her blessing in battle. She attributes her sharp intuition and instincts to the goddess, to her proof of the goddess' favor. She is a serious soul, neither feeling nor understanding the need for frivolity outside of a bl?t - and even then her frivolity is restrained in comparison to most. She does not trust easily, but those few who earn that trust will find her to be fiercely loyal. Katja tends to take the long view of things rather than the short view - when she accepts a job it is often for unspecified favors to be called in at a later date, no questions asked. She has no compunction against killing, whether it be in simple battle or a contract killing. A straightforward sort, she has no talent for lying or sarcasm, and is apt to say exactly what she thinks bluntly, without any tact or dissembling. Although Katja is slow to anger, threaten her family or blaspheme her gods and you waken a dragon - once truly roused she is an implacable and dangerous enemy.

Long had she been untangling the trail of her cousin, leaving it occasionally to take a job or rejoin her family for a time, but always returning to tracking him once more. Her uncle Laeric was obsessed with finding her erstwhile cousin and proving he had fathered children on his own mother, though she was unsure how he would produce evidence of such, but Katja needed no such proof. There was only one secret the normally-straightforward female had ever kept to herself, that she was already certain he had something to do with the horrific deaths of her two older cousins - that hideous gut feeling she'd had seeing him crying out about a bear attack could only be a warning from the gods, and the later rumors concerning an unnatural relationship between him and his mother had only cemented her certainty. She didn't know how he was involved, whether he had simply left them to their deaths like a coward, or engineered the bear attack, or was crazy enough to actually have killed them himself - she'd never liked him, never trusted him, so the third possibility seemed, but how could anyone do that to their own kin? it couldn't be possible, even for him - but she was sure he had something to do with it, and she hated him for the betrayal. But something had kept her silent on the subject - another warning, perhaps - and she'd kept her search quiet. Now she'd found where he'd gone; she was sure of it. Gold-specked mercury eyes swept across the terrain, searching for the wolf that matched the scent in her quivering nose. But no, the scent was too old. Days old, by the faintness of the lingering odor. His scent, the betrayer, nearly masked by the stench of rotting meat. Katja's eyes narrowed as she snorted, trying to clear her nose of that disgusting smell. No, Jager was not here, not anymore. But he had been, and far more recently than any other trace she'd found of him. He was here, traveling this land they called Alacritis. So would Katja remain, not to return to her home until she had found him and either got the truth from him... or killed him.