
A Long Journey


12-07-2013, 03:39 PM

Aros' joy at the lovely fae's titling him turned rapidly to anger as her words pressed on. While a part of him worried he would off set her, he could not contain the rage in his roar. "Who dared to imprison you?!" he snarled, his baritone voice chilled and seething. His own anger surprised him, even if the under current to his thoughts did not: Who dared to imprison my future mate... He went on, anger uncontainable. "Speak only their names my lady, and I will hunt them down and rip them apart." A bit dramatic, yes, but he meant every word. In his Clan it was a grave insult to bring harm to a warrior's mate, paramount to a challenge for death. He would not stand for this.

Neither, of course, would he let his princess wander this wild, barbaric land without him. His mind gnawed at the issue, and he grew more desolate, and more angry. He would have to wait, and damn the gods for it. He was not a patient brute, more attuned to immediate retaliation than cold, calculated revenge. If that was what it took, of course, then so be it. He turned to glare at the spot in the horizon he assumed she had appeared from, wishing he knew what lay beyond it. Wishing he had the time to search, or his brothers to fight at his side. The dishonor placed upon the Princess Impra could not be borne indefinitely. In his eyes, there was simply no other way.

"Speech," Thoughts,