
speak of the devil



7 Years
12-07-2013, 03:49 PM

Once again, Quintus Nero had taken to wandering. Though he had briefly been given the task of watching his newborn siblings during an important pack meeting, his parents seemed otherwise quite preoccupied. It wasn't a surprise -- he knew the first few weeks of life were the most important for the children, but it didn't stop the boy from feeling a bit ignored and irritated. And to add to his foul mood, he had discovered that his parents had stepped down as Queen. What did that make him? A mere subordinate in the Kingdom? A soft huff escaped his lips as he wandered, with no clear goal in mind, dancing about the borders purposelessly.

And so it was with fervor so drastically unlike him that he would slip from the borders of the Kingdom, heading aimlessly away from the eastern border. His frustrations were perhaps ungrounded, but part of him had believed he'd had some claim to the throne, someday. And how easily his parents had let it slip from their grasp. There was no way he could claim the throne; and while the more selfish part of himself wanted it, he didn't truly want to even try to tear it from the grasp of another. Especially Loccian.

His thoughts would quiet in his mind as he grew further from his home, heading in the direction where the sun rose in the sky each morning. He had never been quite so far from his home, and found himself wondering what he might find. Minutes turned into hours, which seemed to pass quickly as he traversed over unfamiliar territory. Even in the more east lands, the air was bitterly cold, but his constant movement kept him warm. But the amount of snow seemed to taper off slowly, with each mile he conquered, until hardly a dusting littered the earth. His gaze would rise from the ground, searching the horizon. He was surprised at the strange landscape before him, flat but littered with large stones. They were oddly-shaped, reminding him strongly of the square structures back home. Quietly he would slip forward, coming to rest at the base of one of them, eyes trailing over the cracks that time had made in the stones, wondering what they might be.