
Just Seeking Your Guidance



03-18-2013, 09:56 AM
It had been a few days now since Loccian found herself in these lands, met her brother, and joined a pack with him as their Baroness. She was there to heal the wounded and take care of the sick. There was only one problem with that, she only knew a little bit of healing from her birthpack and that was only stuff like soothing pain and fighting infections, along with bandaging wounds. What if something more serious happened to her packmates and she could do nothing, would they replace her with a more experienced wolf? No, she did not want that to happen and because of that she had found herself heading towards the neighboring pack's land. Hopefully Gerhardt would not get angry with this, after all, she was just trying to find somebody with more experience that was willing to share their knowledge with her.

Paws moved carefully over the earth as she moved, going at a steady pace, tail lightly swaying behind her. Grey eyes watched the landscape change every couple yards, where Seracia had flaat lands and surrounded by water, this place had much more in it. Plains, forests and rivers. Ah, forests. How she missed them so, so many hiding spots and so many trees. You have to manever carefully if you didn't want to run into a tree, the perfect place to trap deer because they couldn't pinpoint where the wolves were coming from.

Finally she reached it, the scent border for the pack Valhalla. The shewolf stood there for a couple seconds, letting this all sink in. Slowly she cloosed her eyes and took in a long depe breath, would they attack her or not even bothering in helping her with the knowledge of healing? There was only one way to truly find out. Head lifted to the sky, jaws ajar, releasing a long and smooth song into the pack's lands. Hopefully a kind wolf heard it and owuld come to meet her, after all, Loccian was not here for trouble.

Stopping her song the shewolf let her grey eyes scan over the land breifly before folding her legs and taking a seat, waiting for her call to be answered.