
=filthy hot mess.


12-07-2013, 04:25 PM

Vampire, incubus, a creature of spawned from the darkest caverns in the earth. Yet wrapped in otherworldly facades. Sinisterly, he loomed. Dominance over the earth, as with everything he wanted to have dominance. Wandering thoughts bleed over to more morbid things. As he was prone to do, nothing new there. But it hadn't a faint thought to float by his mind how alone he was as of late. It had been so long since he had interacted with others. Actually, only like a day or two, but that was more then he was used to. The young male had to remind himself that the term lonely was reserved for the disgustingly docile and weak individuals. Just the thought of such creatures made him want >to retch and vomit. Seemingly placid mask twisted into a frown of disgust. Gently his cranium rotated to and fro, best not to think of the weak, they would all be terminated in good time. With no mercy. Sinister smirk festered in its place.

Flirting with such enticing thoughts had caused the man's attention to digress from the task at present. In those few precious minutes of unguarded living, his world had seemingly shattered. He had allowed himself to become distracted and no longer present. Before he knew it he was within the distance of another creature. This one male - who had striking features. It always sparked an interest in Ammon to see one who held facial improvements. He used his as a powerful weapon, a boogeyman, to scare off those faint of heart, mind and soul.

" speech "