
gonna be the very best


12-07-2013, 08:08 PM

Valhalla was enjoying relative peace. The war had finally settled down and now it was time for his family to recuperate. Which was Gael had been doing since he had gotten back and been seen by the Seracian healer Loccian. The wounds he'd obtained from the crazed amenti bitch had all but healed, the skin re knitting quite nicely, though he would have permanent scars. The scars weren't something that bothered him; they were reminders to himself and others that he would risk his own life for his pack.

A familiar voice cut through his semi-conscious mind, lids blearily blinking as he awoke, jaws parting to release yawn. Limbs would unscramble themselves, pulling his figure from beside Meili's, giving her skull a gentle lick before making his way out of the den they'd made their own for the time being, audits pivoting to and fro to better catch the sound of the call. Solaine was calling to him. It had been some time since he had seen his baby sister. He had been too busy attending to pack affairs now that he was the Heir and now that he thought it about it, he felt kind of bad that he hadn't given his sister more attention. With this mind Gael would set off, limbs pulling him easily through the terrain in the direction of his sister's call. Cerulean gaze would fall across her snow pelt, noticing how she was crouched low to the ground, her chin tucked towards her chest, appearing as if she were ready to spar with someone. Could that be the reason that she had called him?

The older Adravendi would approach the babe, allowing his own chin to tilt downwards towards his chest, ears tucking themselves against his skull. His features remained friendly as he approached his younger sibling, plume swaying gently between his hocks. Something up Sol?

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