
house of the rising sun


12-07-2013, 08:56 PM

Perhaps its as the pregnancy - though of this she was not sure - whatever it was, the Queen had found her sense of smell to be heightened as of late. This aided the woman in detecting the two male's presence far before they had come into earshot. With haste she would offer up a howl for Isardis, before slithering toward them. Her bodice had not yet distended with whelps, though they were very much growing within her womb. The only indicators of her pregnancy were pheromones alone - and she knew that very quickly these men would detect them. It was no matter, she wasn't afraid. The Queen appeared through the trees, head and tail lifted to a height of status, emerald sockets coming to rest on two men, (going to assume this is post-Jaeger thread) one of which she vaguely knew. ?Following me, Jaeger? And I see you've brought a friend. Did I leave that much of an impression on you?? She would stand in the way of the rest of Glaciem, intending to block their path. If they wished to infiltrate further, they would have to come by her. She only hoped Isardis would come soon, she doubted she could hold them both off indefinitely - if their intentions truly were to invade. Eyes would flicker to and fro, never lingering on either of them for very long.
