
take off your skin



10 Years
12-07-2013, 09:47 PM

Though she was a rather reserved girl, often finding conversation with strangers far more difficult than she ever anticipated, she truly did enjoy the company of new faces. And yet despite this man's pleasant -- albeit somber -- facade, she had a feeling she ought to be wary around him. This one was older than she, though nowhere near as old as her parents; but still far from a child.

"I have never heard a tongue different than my own," she would profess quietly, voice nearly quivering with unabashed awe. It was strange, but upon further consideration she realized how lovely it sounded. She'd heard of wolves from far-away lands, and she knew that the number of languages that were spoken were far higher than she could ever count, and yet hearing one still took her by surprise.

Behind her small frame, her tail would sway where it lay limply at her hocks. "Sir, there is beauty everywhere," she said quietly, though her words were firm and serious, even if he thought her words naive. "But it is not always easy to find." How many nights had she lay awake, wondering if her father was dead or alive. And though she still didn't know, she had found a way to grasp a piece of hope and was determined to not let it slip away from her. She was wise for such a young girl, and yet so ignorant to the true horrors of the world. They were merely shadows, dancing in the background of her mind, nothing solid or tangible to her.

"It is nice to meet you, Ammon." Her mother had taught her to be polite and kind, nearly always, and it was rare that she strayed from what she knew in her heart was right and just. "Why might that be valuable? Are you a King?" Briefly curiosity would flood her sapphire gaze, eyes widening at the possibility of speaking to such a man, and yet she would retract again and stifle her eagerness, unwilling to let wonder get the best of her.