
You're like pollution


12-07-2013, 10:28 PM (This post was last modified: 12-07-2013, 10:29 PM by Isabella.)
Watching the woman tense up Isabella took a few steps back figuring the female did not care for a stranger that close to her. "Ah, sorry if I startled you." Though her voice was unchanging, she spoke no word she did not feel. Her attention turned to the massive scared wolf who joined them. He was dark as night even his eyes and the scars made it seem like he emerged from the depths of Hell. Her eyes automatically went over him, taking in everything size, stance, scars, the whole package should this male prove to be a threat. At the moment he kept a respectable distance. Though he smirked, he was silent and gave a nod. For the moment he meant no harm and Isabella quickly returned the nod.

The mood was calm between them, or at least something she would call calm until the other woman reacted so to the man's scars. She almost tilted her head with surprise and a very small smile appeared on her face an amusement, it was certainly nothing she had seen before. Aware of the smile, she let it fade as she watched the two. The way the man smirked, how quick to act and concerned the woman was, and when angered how threatening the man looked. He certainly had her attention, for both good and bad. He was rash, angry, cold, then spoke in a way to calm the other female down. As in control of his emotions he seemed, something Isabella always admired in other wolves, he was clearly a dangerous wolf, one to watch out for. The woman however, was helpful giving her good reason to memorize the scents, sights, voices and names of the others.

Adjusting her body in such a way she would be ready to move quickly if need be she spoke. "I believe with a greeting like that we might as well know each others names. I am Isabella, Isabella VentFlurrer. A loner, and somewhat of a newcomer to these lands." She dipped her head again, a sort of formality that came with greeting. Lifting her head again she held it high and confidant, the way she was always taught.