
The Cold Does Not Forgive


12-08-2013, 12:33 AM

The fact that the girl was lurking here brought to mind one thing. She actually liked this place, and was growing accustomed to the cathedral's ghost for walls, its haunted chamber, and even the broken down organ that hide in the very far back of broken down castle. Crash, a boulder from the wall crashed against the earth, Chill found herself lifting her head and her brow crinkled in general dislike. This place where she found peace was falling part, she would have to leave soon and find another place to call home.

Chill moved toward the door that was hanging off hinges long ago rusted away, her head peeped out into the snow covered land, her eyes lazy as leaned the majority of her weight against it. This world was boring, at least for now, but soon she would have leave to go collect more berries and herbs soon. Poisons could not make themselves, but she supposed she could work with what she had.

Turning back away from the door she moved back to her alter that had a collection of slugs, berries, plants, and parts from a few animals on it. The she wolf started to work, rubbing slugs for the thick paste of their slime, and then crushing berries into it, one paste after another was created. She would wander off, grabbing flat stones, and took her paw and pushed a small portion of the concoctions onto each stone platter. After a while there where six platers, all filled with a wonderful toxic paste.

Soon these pastes would find their way into other wolves. But now she would just have to wait until her special talents where called upon.
