
the forest holds many wonders

Knight Cloud

12-08-2013, 05:41 AM

Knight moved easily through the trees, on his way back to the cove where Mercianne and her children were as well as the other remaining Snow Rogue kids resided. He had clamped firmly in his jaws, a meal for the children. A rather fat beaver he had been lucky enough to find nearby, and he was sure the kids would enjoy it. Swiftly his mottled brown figure moved over the land, light drifts of snow easily maneuvered through the landscape. Already he could scent the saltwater, hear the gulls and the wash of the water over the shore. He liked being here, but he knew sooner or later they would have to leave. He would have to help Merci get her and the others to a place less secluded, a place where she would feel safer with her children. And then he heard it.

A cry for help, and the voice was familiar within his dark ears. Without missing a step, he pushed himself into a faster pace, his form now pelting through the forest as snow sprayed up behind him. His tracks mere smudges in the snow, unrecognizable from the pace he was going. Jungle green eyes narrowed on the scene ahead, the beach now visible. He was sure that was where the call had come from, and the voice was unmistakable.

As soon as he broke from the trees, he searched around quickly until his sights located his target. Oracle was in trouble, two other wolves threatening her. Protective anger flared up in him, and Knight made no hesitation. He was already running, sand flying everywhere and lightly dusting his pelt, the gulls in the way making a commotion as they flew into the air in a frantic frenzy. The hare in his mouth seeping blood as his teeth had clamped harder on it, the bones in its body cracking in protest though they would have been easily broken regardless.

He came to a swift halt, dropping the hare just before reaching them as a growl erupted fiercely from his chest. Standing protectively in front of Oracle, his hackles raised as he glared at the women. "Back off and leave her alone! She's my pup, what business have you? Leave the child be!" His teeth bared in a snarl. He would not allow them to take Oracle or even harm her, and although she wasn't really his, he had made a promise to protect the children of the cove. He didn't want to fight, and he hoped that instead they would choose to leave on peaceful terms. Hell, he would even offer to give them the fresh prey he had just caught in exchange for leaving them in peace.
