
Wake of Destruction



5 Years
Extra large
12-08-2013, 06:20 AM
Only Tortugans allowed will be Tidus, Jack and Hansel please. No other Torts can post here.

A nuisance. A pest. A disease. He was hard to kill, hard to get rid of, and every attempt made to do so only brought him back again. He was infestation; a damn annoying one that was for sure. He was sick. Something in that diseased mind of his wasn't working properly and wasn't allowing things to completely click. But who's fault was that? Certainly not Taurig's. Just because the bastard had sired him didn't mean that he owed him anything; not loyalty, love or anything else. What had the ghost given the cobalt titan? A place to reside in? A rank in a pack? He could get that anywhere. That was nothing special, certainly nothing that merited Taurig's undying devotion. And just how he got the rest of his bloodline to follow him was beyond the Re and frankly he didn't care. The less he had to do with that pink parasite, the better.

After having successfully moved the pack to Inu Island, their new home, the Re had returned to the old lands of Tortuga to give it a once over. It had appeared that the entire pack had come along for the move, but he wasn't entirely sure and so he had come back, bringing along with him three pack members who had insisted on accompanying him. He would've turned down their offer, but his condition didn't really leave room for argument. He wasn't completely defenseless, but it didn't hurt to have some company. And it was a good thing his men had come because as he was making the last rounds across his old kingdom, the parasite's voice would poison the atmosphere, grating the Re's tattered ears. With a snarl he would turn towards the direction of the battlefield, Tidus to his right, Hansel to his left and Jack bringing up the rear; all four men in sync. These men weren't just his men, they were his family, his pack mates, and they followed him out of true loyalty.

The overwhelming stench of blood would hit the titan's nostrils, making his lips curling back in distaste. Mixed in with the stale blood was the stench of the parasite, offensive to the Re. But he would continue forward nonetheless, already knowing quite well what this was about. Isardis blamed him for Argent's disappearance. How could he not if everything that went bad in his life was Taurig's fault? Of course Argent would run off because of him. When the parasitic smell became overpowering, he would bring himself to a standstill, Tidus, Hansel and Jack mimicking the movement as they kept a close circle around him, unwilling to allow anyone to get too close to him. Save me the trouble. Argent isn't with me nor do I know where she is. Her whereabouts are none of my concern, since she is your female. Perhaps instead of wasting my time here you should be out there actually looking for her if you apparently care about her so much. Blame me if you will, I speak no lies. I have not seen her, nor spoken to her nor do I know where she might be or what could've happened to her. If she's missing, that's your problem, not mine. He would state coolly, having already dismissed the entire situation. Bodice would move towards his right, already in a half circle, ready to make his departure. He had no reason to be here when he had nothing that Isardis wanted or needed.
