
Wake of Destruction


12-08-2013, 07:17 AM

Chill felt the cold wind whip around her body, tugging at her fur and rustling the thick mane of white and grey that grew around her neck. Her home has been quiet for quite a long time, and she was enjoying sitting her with new adopted son Rin, teaching him about Mother Nature, and the villains she grew upon her land. But that wasn't the best part, the best part was learning about him, learning about his pack, his family, his mother, and better yet, his father. That was when Chill lifted an eyebrow at him one day, how could one child, a son of the alpha, potentially next in line to the throne want to leave and follow a nomad like her and learn the art of poison making?

Everyday she would think upon that question, but never once did regret tickle her mind. Everyday though she would patrol her boundaries re-marking the area and wiping out traces of Rin's scent from amongst the branches to ensure that his pack could not find him. He belonged to her now, he was her prize, she would influence his actions everyday, instill in his mind that he was to be her guardian, and he would learn the art of poison making.

But one day during their many classes a call from the battlefield caught her attention. The vixen would draw her head upward and allow her ears to tip toward the sky as her lips folded in general dislike for that particular voice. Chill never met Rin's father, but she was no fool, she her whispers on the wind, the birds whistled tales of his barbarian nature, of his lack of intelligence, of his bloodthirsty mannerism. The birds would also sit in their branches high above Chill and give her the rest of the gossip, the butchering at a pack's territory, and the constant hounding of the one that was already so dreadfully maimed that survival might have become an issue.

The birds came again though as she sat with her new apprentice under one of the trees after her daily patrol. The black crow landed and whistled, telling her of a challenge that was issued yet again against the blind wolf, by this Isardis. Chill was an evil animal, don't get her wrong, in her free time she enjoyed kidnapping people's children and experimenting on them. There was no doubt to that, she was probably one of those legends in this land by now. The master of poison that would sweep away your children and experiment on them if they weren't into the den by nightfall. Or something like that.

This though was uncalled for, and it gave all wolves a bad name. This Isardis...this trash... she would have found likable if he was a wolf, but he wasn't, he was a dog, a canine, something humans used as their slaves. In her book, he had no logic, no reason, no thoughts, just a whipped pup trying to throw his weight around because the true wolves wanted nothing to do with him, he even gave his bloodline a bad name. He was something that would have to be exterminated, he was just vermin upon the ground she ruled, his kind didn't even belong. Chill would teach him his place, that was a promise. It was unfortunate when other evil creatures found you existences to be distasteful.

Time he learns his place. Her thoughts echoed her dark volition as she rose from under the tree and gave Rin a look and swept her tail first down and then upward, signaling for the son of trash to follow. No wait, he was not the son of trash, he used to be, but she purged and purified him with poison and nature. Rin was hers, he was the son of death and darkness, there would be nothing better than to show up to this battle with him in toe. She would not go to this battle unprepared though, she swept into her den and gave Rin a look and then a kind smile. "Watch carefully, this is my special art and you must learn quickly."

She quickly grabbed her snails, paws rubbing in a fevered manner across their bodies as she extracted more and more of their slime only to add it to the deep pool of liquid she has be diligently collecting for months at a time. After that, she would use her right paw to making a different pool, smaller and shallow, enough for a wolf to roll into. The white female then paced around, which one to use which one to use. which one to use. This one would do!

Chill grabbed branch after branch of a bright blue berry that she was growing found of. She dragged them over to the tiny pool of slime and crushed each one, so that the juices would mix in before sticking both of her front paws in and starting the digging motion, stirring her favorite concoction. "This is called, Freeze. Do not get it mixed up with Frost, which we will be taking with us today. Freeze does exactly what its name implies, it slows the muscles to form a type of paralysis. Now do as I do."

Paws wriggled forward to the edge of the pool as she placed herself inside of the concoction and then closed her eyes and sealed her mouth before sinking down and rolling thoroughly into the mixture. She waited for what seemed to be ten minutes before she moved again, making sure she was soaked with the Freezing mixture before she arose only to flop down to make sure she covered her back, tail, legs, belly, scruff, cheeks, even parts of her muzzle. Arising again she carefully dipped her head in ears first, leaving her nose just above before walking blindly outside of her den with her eyes sealed shut, waiting patiently for the concoction to dry.

She turned her head though and opened her mouth to explain how this one would work. "Rin you let yourself sun dry with this one on, when another wolf goes to bite, their saliva will active the chemicals, you use the slugs to make it thick enough to cling to your pelt, but thin enough so you don't lose the potency of the berries juice." She explained this quickly and in clipped tones as she slowly opened her eyes and rose off of her haunches, the female shook, before stretching and going to the back of her den and slowly shoving her shoulder against a rock, pushing harder and harder as it slide to expose a little cubby hole.

"And this is Frost. It is lethal Rin, only to be used in dire circumstances...but we'll be taking it with us today as well." She looked down at the flat stone that had a clump of black ooze that stood in one giant glob almost like it was jello. Chill hunkered down, her nose hovering over it as she sniffed, it was perfect, the collection of many experiments, it was her master piece. "Now listen carefully, this one is not to be ingested at any cause, instead you bite down on the rock and coat your teeth with it. In battle keep the back of your tongue to the roof of your mouth so it doesn't slide down your throat. Try to bite heavily muscled parts on your enemy, and get this into their blood stream. Remember no bitting spots that are flaps of skin. Muscled areas only." She turned her head back towards him to drive the point home as she slowly raised to her full height.

Which wasn't a lot seeing that she was a tiny wolf, the female hunkered down, lips moving as she grabbed the stone plate by the edges so that she wouldn't touch the middle and turned toward him and flicked her tail in the follow me manner before she set off again toward the battle field.

Her pace was relentless as she made her way toward the battlegrounds, her tail twisted high behind her in dominance and her ears drawn forward. There. There where so many wolves already here, already the posturing has already began. Chill was just in time as she lowered the plate with the black gel onto the ground next to her and she followed suit, allowing it to rest in between her legs as her belly pressed against the ground. So the pink lady was Isardis? Oh wait, that was a male? Her concoction must has clouded her vision and her nostrils at that.

Chill snorted at her sense of humor and flicked an ear behind her as she called loudly behind her. "Son come here, look at this battle, Rin I want you to learn everything you can from this. Okay dear?" There was a dark mock humor in Chill's voice as she rose to her paws and stretched out her muscles as she waited for Rin to make himself know, secretly she wondered how Isardis would take this, would the canine shake in rage and attack her? Oh she hoped so, her fur had a very special surprise waiting on it just for him, and how she wanted to use Frost for the longest time.

She honestly didn't know Taurig, but she couldn't stand Isardis, there was something about mutts that didn't know their place in the morning that just didn't sit right with Chill. She would enjoy mocking him this day.
