
Wake of Destruction



9 Years
12-08-2013, 09:35 AM

Rin had been gnawing on a recently acquired bone; a result of Chill's fine hunting skills...or maybe she used poisons for this one, he wasn't sure. Either way the meat had tasted good and the bone entertaining to play with. It was then that Chill's enchanting voice had roused him from his game, and eagerly he left his bone to follow her. He was most curious about what he would learn today, and she too seemed eager to show him something. Like she was impatient to be somewhere yet at the same time wanted to be well prepared. He followed her motions, following her to into her den with his tail wagging when she smiled at him. He knew there was something up, and he was all to eager to find out.

He would stand at her side patiently, watching as she drew out snails and all sorts of different things as she began to prepare them. He watched intently, more focused then he had ever been before Translucent eyes taking in the scene as he watched her work. The female vigorously rubbing the snails for their tainted slime, wondering what she would be doing with the creatures. It all seemed so interesting, he was learning something; something that his pack certainly wasn't doing. While his father went off challenging for nothing, Rin would sit home wondering where the hell his father was. But now, he didn't need him anymore. Rin had disowned him, stripped himself of his fathers name and was now happily learning from the greatest teacher there was. And he would not turn back.

Ears of dark and white chocolate color would perk up at her words, the boy drawing close to watch as she made something called freeze. He was most curious about it, and his curiosity was satiated with the explanation. So it would paralyze the muscles? How convenient. He could render someone helpless, useless, bend them to his mercy...what were the dark thoughts? He had never had them before...Was he changing? Had he been gone for a good amount of time to have been influenced by this woman? Only time would tell for he wasn't entirely sure. He could feel the folds of his inner mentality shift, change, turning into something he wasn't before. Was he still the same Rin that he had been just a couple weeks before?

He watched as she mixed a strange goopy liquid, then placing herself within to thoroughly coat herself. The mixture sticking to her chest, stomach, legs, neck, back, head, face, everywhere. Eyes following as she finished, though he remained where he stood as he listened to her. Freeze, different then frost. Paralyzes the muscles when ingested, keep out of eyes and mouth. Mixes with specific types of berries for a poisonous effect...sun dry, saliva activates the remember not to groom myself after rolling in that. He had it. He stored it within the confines of his mind, the neurons in his brain ever expanding and absorbing the information. He would not forget this critical information, it would mean the result of a grisly death for his most hated enemy. In this case, it would be whoever was on Chill's bad side. She was his mentor, his new mom, his parent altogether. His father didn't care, never once had he shown his self to spend time with he and his brother Kyung. Or even to spend time with his mom! He could feel it...the hatred brewing within his mind. As if he could feel what Chill felt.

It was time for him to learn about the other dangerous poison. Frost. He listened, enthralled by the effects. It was simple enough to remember. Don't ingest. Coat your teeth. Bite the heavily muscles parts of the body. Easy. He would remember that, retain it easily within his mind to use against his enemies in the future. He stared at her, nodding to confirm that he understood what she had taught him so far. And as she got up and motion for him to follow, the frost clamped firmly in her jaws, he would hesitate before following.

Would be a good idea to coat himself like she had. He wanted to test it out, see if it really worked. And so he did as she did, lowering himself into the concoction of Freeze, thoroughly coating himself in a good amount, mouth and eyes closed firmly shut. And carefully clambered out, using his nose to scent his way towards her. He waited a bit, sitting in the sun like she had previously done. He felt the stuff dry quickly, though his body was smaller then hers so it was logical that it would. Slowly he opened his eyes, waiting for some kind of sting or blindness, anything that would tell him he had done it wrong. But it would seem he had done everything just as she had done, and with a swelling chest of bursting accomplishment he rose to his paws and followed her to the battlefield.

At last they had arrived. Rin seeing a few figures in the distance. One of them recognizable...hardly. The form of his once father. He stopped beside Chill, staring at the gathering parties. Near the albino male was a strangely colored female with the Glaciem scent, though she was a stranger to Rin for she had never once spoken to him. As was Isardis. Strangers, all of them. Never once taking the time to see or spend time with him. Then again, same went for most of the Glaciem children. It was a hard truth, a cold reality. And Rin now saw it. What did his former sire want from the cobalt male? Though he didn't know him, or any of the gathered wolves, he was curious. And heeding the words of his now mentor, he would remain by her side and watch. Not a word nor acknowledgment spoken or said to the other side. After all, they had never acknowledged him. So why should he? He would answer to Chill's words, the boy placing himself within their sights at Chill's left shoulder. "Yes Mentor."



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