
Wake of Destruction


12-08-2013, 10:15 AM

Her arrival into her fathers kingdom in the thick of all the tension had been interesting. She had yet to mingle, meet the others, spending her time rather adjusting to the territory, and the snow, which she still held much an issue too. She knew very little about the history of this tension, only that her half-brother as he seemed to be, a son of Isardis, had betrayed loyalty to his father, and had thus been punished for it, and deserving it so. The wraith would appear, moving quietly, at the edge of the field, her violet pools on the gathering of wolves. The new scent of Glaciem clung to her coat, and she moved without fear to come close to her father. The wolves that had gathered here, she watched each one indifferently, her eyes coming to land on a pup and an ivory hued woman, and another she-wolf a marked oddity much like herself, that smelled of Glaciem. Curiosity drew her closer, her body turning to hear the words of the oddity.

Eyes cast over the pallid hued woman, who the oddity had force-claimed, and her hackles rose slightly, though she did not move forward. Her fellow pack-mate, pack-mate what a strange word, didn't need to seem her help, though if she did, the ivory woman would be at her side in an instant. Instead her attentions slipped back to the blind blue male that her father had addressed, wondering what would come of the challenge that her father had issued. What would happen? She would stand by the king, her head high as she looked at the lesser wolves, the ones who had replied to the challenge that had been issued, eyes passing over each one of them and coming to land on the blue leader, their 'king', however mocking of a term that seemed to be when it came to the disgusting ideal of a king. What kind of man disowned his own blood? She was disgusted, though her features would remain expressionless, as she would wait for an order or the scene to unfold.
