
No Children


12-08-2013, 06:02 PM
His eyes shone with joy as the lady agreed to give his swampland a try. Perhaps her presence would fend off the nightmares that haunted him day by day. She had proven to be good company thus far.

She reminded him so much of his sister, Sonata. Micha was headstrong yet she had a caring heart. Fugue had forgotten what it was like to have a wolf like her around him.

He walked slowly, his hip pressed comfortably against Micha as they strolled towards the swampland. She seemed so interested in him that he had to hold himself back from revealing his whole self to her. They had just met and were already acting like life long friends.

"I have a small den at the edge of the swamp. Its quite cozy in there, but I'm sure there's room for one more." He smiled and winked at her as their paws began getting moist. The land was changing. ... they couldn't be far now. They had left the desert nearly an hour ago.

His tail wagged in anticipation as familiar smells wafted in through his senses. One definite different in the land was the climate change. .. it was much cooler here in his home. So much more comfortable.