
Dear Santa


12-08-2013, 06:18 PM (This post was last modified: 12-08-2013, 10:21 PM by Deteste.)

Dear Santa Claus,

This year we wound like for our fellow Alacritis members to each have one of three wishes come true. They will post in this thread using the code form following my letter to you, with three wishes they would like to come true. We are sure they will not ask too much of you after they've read the guideline for their wishes. We also ask that you reward those who commit any kind acts during this holiday month. We hope that we see a lot of you before this special season is over!

Sincerely, Alacritis Staff.

Welcome to Dear Santa!

Dear Santa is a fun event we are having on Alacritis to reward our members for their activity. Each member can reply to this thread with three wishes, or presents, they would like to come true. When Christmas Day comes one of their wishes (randomly selected), will come true. For your first two wishes you may request up to 100 gems or any gem store item excluding: Full Abnormal Color, Companion, Canine Pass, Species Pass, Rogue Pup, Ablinism, Melanistic. For your last wish you may request up to 200 gems and ANY gem store item, including the items excluded for the first two wishes.

Code & Example Letters

Example ONE:
Dear Santa,
I have been a very good Alacritian this year!
My first wish is: a Small Accessory.
My second wish is: 100 Gems.
My last, and very special, wish is: 200 Gems!

Example TWO:
Dear Santa,
I have been a very good Alacritian this year!
My first wish is: Extra Pup!
My second wish is: Immortality!
My last, and very special, wish is: a Companion!


Dear Santa,
I have been a very good Alacritian this year!
My first wish is: [wish here]
My second wish is: [wish here]
And my last, and very special, wish is: [wish here]