
my kingdom come [DM]


12-08-2013, 10:54 PM
thanks for the fight, raii! it was really fun c: since you have a skype now, feel free to send any questions you may have to my skype!

holy tits on a stick, thank you muse ♥

Pleasure surged through the ice queen?s steel veins as she felt the delightful shudder of fractured bone between her molars, appeased that she had managed to obtain her opponent?s mandible and had potentially downgraded the force at which he was able to bite. Numerous possibilities were presented to the wraith as their jaws interlocked ? with his lower jaw captive, she could potentially dislocate his jaw or permanently unhinge it with the simple wrenching of her own skull. Alas, as the male hit the ground, minutely clenching his jaws together to deepen the puncture wounds to the roof of her mouth and bridge of her snout to approximately a fourth-of-an-inch deep before releasing her, he somehow managed to free himself of her grip to his mandible by opening and closing his mouth. Although completely baffled by how he had managed to open and close his mouth to escape her grasp when she had a hold of his mandible [as, again, only the mandible does the biting/unhinging in a wolf and i never mentioned morphine would release it during my last post], the babe would not dwell too much on confusion, allowing herself to remain focused upon the fight as it waged on.

The renegade?s right forelimb would slide down from her left shoulder so that the babe could yet again straighten her posture, and as she reached towards the area beneath the male?s chin in hopes of asphyxiating him with her lifted right forepaw, she would be stopped short as the brute thrust his left forepaw into her right armpit, lightly lacerating the tender skin there as his nails snagged her flesh, causing the wounds to bleed mildly. In order to immediately reestablish her balance before she stumbled, the wraith allowed her paw to fall short of its intended target, essentially helping the male escape suffocation as he rolled away, leaving her nails to unintentionally purchase the left side of his neck as her right forepaw landed firmly on the ground once more.

As the brute rolled out of her reach, the wraith took a moment to ensure her defenses were secured, allowing for her skull to lower over her breast to protect her vital jugular, her chin to tuck against the curvature of her neck, and for her neck to scrunch to add further protection to her jugular in the form of excess rolls of fat. Shoulders would roll forward and hackles would rise to protect the nape of her neck, her limbs spreading equidistant apart while each bent slightly at the knee to lower her center of gravity. Toes would splay across the ground and her nails would bite into the soil for traction, abdomen tensing as her tail tucked and pressed against her underbelly for added protection. Finally, metallic eyes would narrow to slits as her ears folded against the contours of her crown, jaws unhinging while her lips curled back to expose tainted incisors, inviting him to make his charge.

The once-father of her children would not disappoint her, barreling forward like a battering ram, his skull lowered in an effort to impact her own as he sprinted the short distance between them, coming at her from head-on. Not wanting to get her skull bashed in by the larger heathen, the wench sidestepped swiftly to her right, causing the man to fall short of his intended target as his cranium collided with the upper portion of her left-sided chest, moderate bruising blossoming immediately from the area of impact. In order to avoid being sent backwards as he collided into her, the wraith would immediately throw her weight forward in an attempt to push into him to lessen the damage to her chest, left forepaw lifting slightly from the earth (grounded limbs shifting slightly to optimize her balance) before attempting to slam down upon Seraphim?s right forepaw in hopes that bringing her weight down upon it would break it or at least cause a few broken toes. Regardless of whether or not she succeeded in impacting his right forepaw, the wench would immediately plant her left forepaw back to the safety of earth as the male swung around to her left.

In order to remain directly in front of him to prevent the ninety-degree angle he desired to form with their bodies, her hips would swing out to her right as his swung to her left, cutting off the perpendicular angle as the male reared back. His right forepaw would find sanctuary on her left shoulder and his left forepaw would fall upon the right side of her neck due to her shift in position, therefore eliminating the possibility of being pushed onto her side; however, before gravity managed to pull his weight down, the wench would begin her attempted assault. Hind limbs would push the woman forward in an attempted effort to hit the center of her upper-chest against the center of his lower-chest, intending to shove the male backwards and to knock him off-balance with the force of her weight, hoping that his (likely) compromised balance [compromised because he?s only on his hinds, see ooc note in summary for further explanation] would only aide her in this endeavor. In synchronization with her attempted lurch forward, unhinged jaws would attempt to turn left towards the area approximately five inches below the male?s right elbow (on the forelimb), intending to break the limb with the pressure applied behind her hopeful bite to it. All the while, defenses would remain upheld to the best of her ability, hoping that the battle would end soon with a decided victor.





I ? II ? III

ATTACK attempt to slam her left paw onto seraphim?s right paw in hopes of breaking it with the help of her weight, attempt to hit the center of her upper chest against the center of seraphim?s lower chest as she lurches forward when he rears back in hopes of knocking him off-balance, attempt to clamp onto seraphim?s right foreleg approximately five inches below his elbow as she lurches forward in hopes of breaking the limb.

DEFENSES lowered skull over breast, chin tucked, neck scrunched, shoulders rolled, hackles raised, limbs spread equally apart, limbs bent, toes splayed, claws out, abdomen tensed, tail tucked, eyes narrowed, ears pinned, jaws gaping, lips curled back. reestablishing her balance among her grounded limbs as she lifts her left forepaw. attempt to push forward with her hinds to avoid being pushed back from seraphim?s weight. moving to her right in order to avoid the skull-bash, swinging her hips to her right to bring herself directly in front of seraphim as he attempts to bring himself perpendicular to her.

INJURIES [previously: deep bruising to front of left shoulder, eighth-of-an-inch deep puncture wounds to the center of the bridge of her nose and the roof of her mouth, bleeding mildly.] puncture wounds to bridge of muzzle and roof of mouth now a fourth-of-an-inch deep, mildly bleeding still. light lacerations to armpit, bleeding mildly. moderate bruising to left-sided upper chest.

OOC sorry if this was a lot of movement in one post but i did my best to respond to each of seraphim's movements. in the post, [] indicate an ooc note while () are part of the actual ic post. in regard to stating that seraphim's balance is "compromised," i say this because his balance is more likely to be offset when all four limbs aren't grounded, even if his weight shifts evenly among his two grounded limbs.