Free to explore to her heart's content, free from obligation, Satu found herself far to the north of where she had met up with her sister, and later her cousin Novella. Much of it had proved inhospitable, but then as it began to near nightfall she'd discovered something amazing.
A quiet lake, full of formations of ice. The silence here was solemn rather than oppressive, somber rather than dangerous as much of the north seemed to be. A gorgeous winter wonderland to wander through as she drank in the view. And then she'd set paw on the lake, and nearly gasped to see a sudden burst of light beneath the ice. A second pawstep drew another flash, and Satu stared in awe. What an amazingly beautiful place. Magical.
And to think she'd never have seen it if she had never fallen into that river. It was too bad she was to travel this spectacular landscape in solitude, but she'd certainly have a story to tell when she returned. Satu wondered if she'd even have the words to describe such loveliness but oh, how she would be willing to try...
She meandered through the many statuesque formations, each and every pawstep another swirling glow in the near-twilight.