



Extra small
12-09-2013, 12:14 AM

At first it was an immediate need for aggression that grasped the man. His ears dropped back against his head, and had she not been so fast to make her point of interest clear he would have gladly snapped for her face, her bones, and crushed everything. Tail lashed out violently and angrily and he only calmed as the other drew farther and farther away---higher and higher up. A smile formed on his inky lips and he rolled back onto his rear to watch her. The silence as the fowl fell to the earth with deafening cracking and popping was intriguing to his ears. He loved it. Had he not already been willing to speak to her about a position Vyvienne arrived. demanding. As ever.

"What If I were to tell you that you could not have her?" it was a challenging question and he rose his brow to her--staring at her and waiting. If he denied her that he was aware of the interest that it would build--the character display it would surely give Vyvienne. If she was broken of her way once in awhile--perhaps she would be a calmer woman, but he was not going to press for such at the very moment. This was not a day that belonged to her, "If she wants you then you are to be taken. You will be assumed to fight and join the ranks of my Force. If you do not pull your own weight--ill take some of the weight off of you," and by that his underlying meaning was clear. She would lose pieces before she lost tasks.

Table by Lu
[Image: 2ikflu9.jpg]