
Wake of Destruction



9 Years
12-09-2013, 02:14 AM (This post was last modified: 12-09-2013, 06:45 PM by Rincavornon.)

He watched with quiet amusement as the ones who had come to be challenged began to depart the scene. Was this what his former sire did all the time? Challenge for broken pride? It seemed as such. He had heard about his once queen disappearing, and surely there was a reason for that. He must have not been as great as everyone else in the pack made him out to be. Perhaps he wasn't worth following after all. So he had made the right choice then, following Chill and soon Kusugra. The big cat was powerful, easily able to take down a couple wolves. After all, he was more flexible, claws sharper and longer, fangs bigger and more powerful. Easily able to inflict horrendous damage, especially on younger wolves. Would the strangely colored woman really risk her life for something to insignificant? Rin had no plans on returning. And it was clear when he allowed Chill to lead him away.

His father had never bothered to try, and even now if his father would take the time to understand and talk to Rin. Then perhaps Rin might change his mind, but at this rate...he would not. Words were more often powerful then force, and Rin simply would not take to it. If his father always claimed to care so much then he wouldn't have lost some of his prized family members to begin with. And Rin was not blind or deaf to the stories of half the Armada line keeping well away from him.

Casting a translucent glare of indifference towards the strangely colored, well, stranger to him. He kept a calm facade. For one so young, he sure knew a lot. But he was learning from the best, and there was nothing that would change about that. And he certainly wouldn't listen to the words of a stranger he hardly knew. That woman was apparently family, but even she had never bothered to acknowledge him as such in the pack. So why the hell did they care? He wasn't going to be forced anywhere, and that was that. And if they wanted to try, then they were welcome to...if they wanted to risk their lives of course. He had done the same as Chill. Coated himself in the same dangerous poison that would cause lethal damage. He was no idiot, he had learned from the best.

He simply watched the scene unfold, Chill putting herself between he and them. And Rin would move out of sight, just between her and Kusugra. If Chill was his, and he was hers. Then nothing would break that. Kusugra would protect his property, and as far as he heard, Chill was part of his property and Rin hers. Such a strange cycle the world was in...but alas, he would accept that part of it. And so after hearing his mentors words towards the beast ahead of him, he would allow her to nudge him away. Rin following obediently and never looking back. He had chosen to disown that part of his life, and although he would forever remain loyal to his mother and his two favorite siblings, he would turn his back on the rest. They simply didn't deserve anything he had to offer, his skills, his loyalty, his strength in the future.

-Exit Rin with Chill-

OOC// Ahem, my OOC post was not rude in anyway. I simply stated for Yumpy to PM me if there were any problems. Again, I am staying true to my character. I kindly asked her to pm me in a polite manner. I would do the same so it's only courtesy. I am not trying to start anything in any way. If this is also considered rude for stating an honest piece then please, by all means PM me and /talk/ to me and let me know what exactly is considered rude. In all fairness, asking for someone to pm you about a problem/misunderstanding is not rude.



If I haven't responded to a thread within a week, please feel free to bug me about it!