
I Will Keep You Going



6 Years
12-09-2013, 11:55 AM (This post was last modified: 12-09-2013, 11:58 AM by Iorwerth.)

Other wolves began to arrive and the little gathering found itself becoming a far more official meeting. Iorwerth remained silent, watching first the interactions between the former and current leaders, rather shocked he had to admit by Maverick's decision to officially abandon his former rank. Never had he seen such an act before and truth be told he wasn't sure if it was foolish or if the red man ought to be admired for the honesty. Evidently there was still some conflict within Iorwerth's brain, parts of his upbringing sticking with him. Perhaps to make that battle of thoughts worse, the title of King was then denied by another male. This man was one that Iorwerth could confidently say he'd never even seen before however it seemed he was no stranger to the pack and it's members.

Once these smaller discussions were out of the way and the matter settled that Loccian was indeed still Queen, she addressed them all with a louder and more authoritative voice than Iorwerth had heard her use before. It seemed already she was settling quite well into the new role though such a thought didn't really have time to form in his mind as he listened to her words. "Squall and Iorwerth shall be Esquires." He'd only been here a season perhaps if that and already had earned his first promotion. Never could he have achieved such a feat within his father's pack.

The pride didn't last long however, the mood swiftly brought down by the far more serious news that Loccian had to share. Though he hadn't known her, he of course had been aware of Rivaxorus' death, present to help bring her mutilated body back to her home. The home they ought to stay in now it seemed, trapped within the lands. There was little outside for him, though it was nice to have the option to travel out of the lands if he had the urge to do so. Still, he supposed it was a small price to pay for safety.

The introduction to this former king and father of Maverick was finally given before the meeting seemed to draw close to its end for the majority of the pack. Some it seemed needed to stay behind, himself included. For a moment if perhaps this was to do with the newly assigned rank, though with Aeil and Dragon joining Squall and himself he felt there was probably more to it than that. With nothing left to ask, he remained silent, gaze watching to see if anyone else wished to ask anything.