
A Game Of Sorts [Open to all pack members]


03-18-2013, 04:37 PM

It all began with the stirrings of a touch of mischief. Perhaps not the best of things in those whose minds are dark and festering with cruelties, but in the mind of a creature as gentle and as kind as the two toned fae? It borderlined on harmless. Thats not to say she did not have stirrings of mischief, because she did in fact possess them, they just weren't malicious or cruel enough to really do any harm, but this was neither here nor there and the multi-hued fae was intent on acting upon this spot of playfulness and she would not be deterred.

She was healed, no longer hindered by malnutrition or injury, watching Cifer and Crusade together still wounded the tender hearted creature but with each passing day the pain dulled more and more as she realized they were perfect for one another and Asheni was tired. Tired of being alone, tired of fleeing from her problems, tired of hiding and today would be the day that she would finally heal. No more running, no more hiding, nothing but optimisum and support for her two best friends.

She stalked through the snow and ice with wicked intent, icy blue eyes trained upon her target. He wasn't paying attention, her scent was familiar, background noise and nothing more, he wouldn't see her coming, well not until it was to late. Her rump waggled in the air and then... she was off, racing through the snow with all of the power her slender body provided. Gargie turned, but not fast enough and Asheni was upon him, legs coiling around his neck in a bear hug as she dragged him down into the snow. They tumbled and rolled, Asheni's laughter ringing into the air as she scrambled to find her feet, when she had scrambled back up, she was bolting across the snow, shouting back to Gargie as she ran.

"Tag Gargie!!! You're it!!!"
