



2 Years
12-09-2013, 12:59 PM

OOC: Im so tired but i wanted this thread to get started xD

The winter was by far going to be the girls favorite season. It seemed to poison the sun as it strays away to its sickness, away from polluting the girls with its love and affection. But the snow did give the babe a poor disadvantage, It made her even more hungry then the day before. She needed to fuel the small bodice for her to stay warm. So that was her next task for the day. The rosy nose would caress inches from the frosted floor, inhaling the scent for any other prey, before swaying side to side at the target. The scent was only faint, but it was worth the look.

A quiet noise would fill the lobes, its scratching irritating her ears. Who was the man over there? Picking away at a frozen... Bear? The rosy pink pools would glimmer with anticipation before scurrying away into the open. Her mind was set, and she was hungry. There was no point in fighting the male, because of course she would loose in her feeble state and age. So a new tactic was on board. Edging closer to the pale brute the girl would look him over, sitting a few meters away from him, staring. A sigh would escape the blood kissed lips as her gaze would trail to the ground. Aiming to win over his sympathy vote. Afterall whats better then a free meal with no Harm made? " Hello sir... You look pretty." Was that really her compliment? To give a fully grown male a feminine comment? Never the less she could only hope, she didnt know any better.