
Invisible Box


12-09-2013, 05:06 PM

The queen had been felled, and for a moment a look of disbelief would cloud her facade. But, after that moment had passed the disbelief would quickly morph to rage - a rage she would quiet in her chest until he was long gone. Much to her dismay Isardis would speak to the now free Themisto, and Sendoa's head would hang slightly. Bleeding and bruised she would move toward her King, sorrow in her veins. Perhaps pregnancy was the culprit in this loss, or perhaps she merely had underestimated him - something she'd sworn long ago she'd never do. There was a considerable limp in her walk as she said not a word to Themisto, but instead pressed her bodice against Isardis and whispered, ?I am sorry.? She had failed him, though it seemed he hadn't intended to keep Themisto anyway. Perhaps this wasn't as bad as her mind was telling her. Emotions began to rattle around in her skull as she shut her eyes, leaning into him and allowing the pain to dissolve away everything else. Her left cheek pressed into his ivory and coral bodice, the right bleeding down her jawline and onto her neck. It was over, and she would not fail him again.
