
try and catch me


12-09-2013, 08:31 PM

The previous encounters that he had enjoyed with the crimison coloured dame had been enchanting, if that word could meet its definition. Something was off about her, not quite right, as she spoke and looked at him, he began to recognize the dead-ness in her eyes, and the seething rage behind her voice. So someone had gone to great lengths to injure her emotions. At her question, he felt his head lower slightly, hackles raising to expose his canines. "Perhaps I did, Vi, you should provide definite entertainment for interrupting my very hectic schedule." As she moved towards him, he tensed, feel his body react as she nipped against him, a hissing breath escaping him, as he felt his body nearly lean into her jaws. "Mmm, love, I'm starting to think that you're losing your touch." Taunting words would leave him, as his head swung around to watch her, enjoying the progress she made, and how the thick scent of her heat, caused his body to react. "Are we seeking something rougher than our previous encounters, I hope you remember that I like to drawn blood...."

The suggestions of his words, were followed by movements, that would turn his chest towards her body, neck snaking out to nip at the scruff of her neck. If she didn't move, he would bite down with enough force to draw blood, to taste her crimsion life in his jaws.