
somewhere i b e l o n g



3 Years
03-18-2013, 05:46 PM
my dear old friend, take me for a spin; two wolves in the dark, running in the wind

A noise in the brush had Kamala twitching her ears, swinging a charcoal colored head to focus green eyes in the direction from which the sound was coming from. It couldn't be anything dangerous, not in the heart of Seracia's territory, but Kamala's heart picked up its pace in its chest anyways. Only to slow immediately when a sigh of relief escaped the female at the appearance of her mother. "Mother!" The response was happy, and a quick flick of her tail was Kamala's first reaction.

Calling Adette 'mother' still felt a little strange. Kamala had warmed up to Gerhardt more swiftly than she had to her mother, but that was merely because Adette's temper had intimidated Kamala as a pup. But now that she was a little bit more grown up, she had come to love Adette more dearly than she loved her vague memories of her crimson mother. Adette had been the one to be there for her, after all, the one to rescue her and Kamala would never stop owing her for that. They weren't the most average of families, but Kamala figured that she was still very lucky that she and her siblings had been discovered by the two wolves that had found them.

Wagging her tail again, Kamala felt a lupine grin form upon her features. "How are you, Mother? What brings you out here?" It was a good deal more than many wolves managed to get her to say, but Kamala had not seen the female much recently. Adette had been busy, understandably so, but it was nice to see her mother again. The Queen of Seracia had many duties and it was entirely understandable that a female who was not her true daughter wasn't as high up on her list of priorities.

And yet Kamala couldn't bring herself to believe that that was truly what was happening. Adette and Gerhardt had no other pups; had never given any sign that they loved Kamala and her siblings any less than they might love pups of their own. Adette was almost certainly just busy. And Kamala didn't begrudge her that. She was just happy to see her mother. So Kamala just wagged her tail happily, content now with keeping her silence.